WSPTA Awards
Postmark deadline for awards is March 1, 2014.
Award applications are available online at Washington State PTA
Individual Awards
Golden Acorn – A Golden Acorn Award is presented to a school or community volunteer in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth.
Outstanding Educator – individuals who go beyond the normal expectations of their jobs to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging.
Outstanding Advocate – given to someone with commitment to helping create strong policies to the health, welfare, safety, and education of children and youth.
Outstanding Student Advocate – recognize students who have made significant contributions through leadership and service in their schools and community.
Honorary Life Membership – made a significant contribution to the growth and development of PTA.
(The Service Award can only be given by a council or the state PTA)
Group Awards
(use the “Local Unit” version of these applications)
Standards of Excellence – shows your PTAs use of “Best Practices”, earn points for all the things you are already doing
Outstanding Local Unit of the Year – provide narrative descriptions of your PTA’s work. Must also submit a Standards of Excellence Application
Honor Unit – Similar to the Standards of Excellence Award, however more details and examples are necessary for this application
PTAs Taking Significant Action – Highlight only one program, project or activity done by your PTA
Mentor-a-PTA – Has your PTA given or received help from another PTA? Let us know!
Outstanding Newsletter – For monthly newsletters, distributed via paper or electronically
Outstanding Website – Judging based on homepage, content, and overall appearance
Outstanding Communications Other – For EVERYTHING ELSE!! email, email blasts, reader boards, meeting minutes, blogs, social media, directories, paper flyers, banners, posters, display cases, sandwich boards, bulletin boards, merchandising, calendars, thank you cards, etc