2016-17 Reflections Theme:
"WHAT IS YOUR STORY?" Reflections is a National PTA and Washington State PTA cultural arts competition. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works interpreting the theme "What is your story?"
Chair: Michelle Rylands
Program Details
A student may submit an entry in any of six arts areas. Only original works of art are accepted. The six art areas are:
Participation in Reflections is organized by student age and grade levels. Student works are critiqued against others in the same grade division. This allows recognition and judging of artworks by appropriate developmental age and skill levels. The grade divisions are:
Once entries reach the state level, the state PTA may select up to four entries in each of the six arts areas (a total of 24) to submit to the National PTA. National first, second, and third place, and honorable mention entries are recognized at the National PTA Annual Convention. All PTSAs in good standing may sponsor the Reflections Program. Students may only submit entries through a PTSA. Reflections Forms and Guidelines Reflections Guide The Reflections Guide is located in Leadership Resources on the Washington State PTA Leadership Packet page. If you don’t know your login or password, email [email protected]. |
Reflections linksNational PTA Reflections Page
Washington State PTA Reflections Page WSPTA Leadership Resources Olympic Ribbons Timeline for a Successful Program:August Reflections Training - Online Webinar TBA - click here to register September/October: Get the word out! Let students, parents, and teachers know how to participate in the program. Get your forms ready. Set all your important dates!! Reflections Training In-Person meeting - Auburn location, time, and date TBA Reflections Webinar - details and registrations TBA November: Suggested deadline for art to be turned in to unit PTA Remember to allow time for judging and announcing your local PTA awards prior to sending the art to the Council Level. We recommend no later than November 7th. December: All work due to Council: TBD All entries must be hand delivered to the conference room at the Fugate Building, 915 4th Street. This takes a bit of time to complete the check in process. Please expect a short wait. Dec /Jan : Art Show. Date, Time, and Location TBA January: Mid-January: Council Reflections Ceremony Selected students will perform. Art/Photography will be on display. Refreshments provided by Council |
Four Reasons to Run the PTA Reflections Program
Washington State PTA Reflections web site |
Reflections en Español
Si necesita información en Español acerca de el programa “Reflections” ó acerca de programas de educación de las Artes, por favor visite Del sitio Web de National PTA