Auburn Council of PTAs
Council Grant Program
Do you have a great idea
that will benefit the students in Auburn Schools?
that will benefit the students in Auburn Schools?
Applications Due March 7th
About PTA Grants
Our primary goal as a council is to provide service and support to benefit the students in Auburn School District. We know that there are many ways to achieve this goal, and we would like to hear your suggestions. Some of the questions that the grant committee will use to evaluate a grant application are:
Any teacher, staff member, parent, or student can submit a Council PTA grant request application. All applications will undergo a Council Executive Board Review. The Review Board may contact the applicant with questions and/or suggestions for alterations based on the current Council budget.
Our primary goal as a council is to provide service and support to benefit the students in Auburn School District. We know that there are many ways to achieve this goal, and we would like to hear your suggestions. Some of the questions that the grant committee will use to evaluate a grant application are:
- Is this project an efficient use of PTA funds?
- Does the project solve a problem or meet a need?
- Do we have a clear idea how the project would work?
- A timetable and details of any items to be purchased are required
- Depending on the number of grant applications, grants may be awarded up to $500.
Any teacher, staff member, parent, or student can submit a Council PTA grant request application. All applications will undergo a Council Executive Board Review. The Review Board may contact the applicant with questions and/or suggestions for alterations based on the current Council budget.
More Information:
Payment details: Grant recipients may request that the ACPTA write checks directly to vendors for grant related expenses, or ACPTA can reimburse your unit for expenses upon receiving receipts and reimbursement forms. Final Report: The ACPTA requires a report from each grant recipient at a scheduled ACPTA Council Meeting on or prior to October 2017. We want to know how successful you feel the project was so that we can make better funding decisions in the future. Property: Books, software, and other permanent instructional materials and equipment purchased with PTA grants become property of the school for which the grant was requested. A list of such items, showing where they are kept, must be submitted with the final report for each grant. Copies of invoices with the location of items noted are ok.
What to do:
Fill out and submit the application below to [email protected]. Your application is due no later than Tuesday, March 7th, 2017 to the ACPTA Executive Board. At the discretion of the Executive Board, your application may or may not be accepted to become a motion, or you may be encouraged to alter your request based on the current ACPTA budget. If your application is accepted, please be prepared to bring your motion to the Council on Tuesday, March 14th, 2017. Once your motion is made and seconded, you will be asked questions and the motion will be brought to a vote as per ACPTA Standing Rules. Good luck! And please do not hesitate to ask questions about this process. We are eager to support innovative ideas that improve the educational lives of our students. Please contact Michelle Rylands if you have any questions, |